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Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013
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Pixoban apk download 1.0.1 free full Android cracked


Pixoban apk download 1.0.1 full free kostenlos Android cracked


Download  Pixoban apk heute gratis.
Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Pixoban kostenlos.

Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.

Die Apk Datei zum Download  und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel. 

Appname: Pixoban
2.1 oder höher Appversion: 1.0.1
Kategorie: Rätsel & Denksport Größe: 11 Mb


Pixo has been abducted by dirty aliens! Can you help him tidy up their ship?

In this retro-styled sokoban game your task is to help Pixo tidy up the alien ship by placing all the crates of rubbish on the airlocks so the aliens can blow them out into space. But the crates are too heavy to pull and can only be pushed through the ships corridors, so take care not to box yourself in!

The game features 126 levels of enchanting pixel art and mind bending puzzles, as well as an easy going sound-track and fun sounds. Oh, and do well and the aliens will reward Pixo with a new hat from their collections! Complete all 126 levels and they'll give you the famed "Pixoban Crown"...


Neue Funktionen

Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:

v1.0.0 - Initial upload


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Pixoban apk download 1.0.1 full free kostenlos Android cracked

Pixoban 93%1102 votes.
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