Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Tapatalk 4 - Community Reader kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
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Appname: | Tapatalk 4 - Community Reader | ||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | Appversion: | Variiert je nach Gerät | |||
Kategorie: | Soziale Netzwerke | Größe: | Variiert je nach Gerät |
Great new features
- 100% Android native look and feel
- Super-fast navigation with sliding menu to join to different sections and forums
- Swipe to change pages - reading long posts has never been easier!
- Great photo and video experience with in-app YouTube Player
- New Photo Editor powered by Aviary - add filter, resize and crop photos before you post
- One-click photo sharing with Tapatalk, no more attachment or upload to other third party websites
- Save battery power with Push Notification service - get notified of forum updates
- Many Advanced Settings for forum junkies
- And many many more!
What is Tapatalk?
Discover great internet communities or stay connected with your favourites community on-the-go with this award-winning mobile app. Tapatalk is the only mobile app combing over 50,000+ internet communities with a streamlined mobile experience, allowing you to share and follow thoughts, photos, opinions to all your communities within a single mobile app.
Tapatalk aggregates content from network of communities of common interests, from automotive to parenting, from gardening to horse-riding - You will meet passionate people who share the same interest and participate in great discussions on topic only you and the like-minded members truly appreciated.
Neue Funktionen

- Probleme und Fragen bei der Installation einer App? Schauen Sie sich unser Tutorial an!
- Du hast eine Apk nicht gefunden? Hiterlasse eine Anfrage und wir finden für dich die App.
- Auf einen defekten Link gestoßen? Melde uns den Link und wir ersetzen ihn.
- Unseren RSS Feed abonnieren oder uns bei Facebook unterstützen!