Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
Appname: | |||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | 2.3 oder höher | Appversion: | 1.2 | ||
Kategorie: | Arcade & Action | Größe: | 78 Mb |
Featuring an all New Tower and Special Agent, glorious high res graphics, original Tracks and Special Missions, a whole new tier of Specialty Building upgrades, and a never-before-seen Monkey Lab to upgrade your towers, Bloons TD 5 delivers hours of fun and challenging play to fans and new players alike.
“Nations need to brace themselves for a complete loss of productivity�?
- Jayisgames, 4.7/5.0
Never Before Seen Exclusive Features:
★ A brand new tower – Heli Pilot
★ Exclusive new Special Agent – Radadactyl
★ All new Monkey Lab – researches unique abilities and tower upgrades
★ Specialty Building Tier 4 Upgrades
★ Exclusive tracks
Hours and Hours of Awesome Gameplay:
★ 18 powerful towers with Activated Abilities and 2 upgrade paths
★ 10 Special Agents
★ 24 Tracks
★ 10 Special Missions
★ 250+ Random Missions
★ New Bloon enemies - tougher Camos, Regrower Bloons, and the fearsome ZOMG
★ 50+ Achievements
★ 3 different game modes
★ Freeplay mode after mastering a track
★ 3 difficulty settings and family-friendly theme so anyone can play
And that's just the beginning - heaps of planned updates will keep Bloons TD 5 fresh, fun, and challenging for many months to come. Now it's time to pop some Bloons!
Neue Funktionen
Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:
Update 1.2 is now live and we've added a ton of awesome content, includingan all new Tower, Track and Game Mode!
The brand new intermediate track, Workshop has a reasonable degree of challenge and is perfect for the awesome new tower, The Engineer. This unique tower can be upgraded to access the all powerful sentry guns.
We've also added in the ability to unlock Fast Track. This allows you to bypass early rounds and start from round 26 with \$5000 in cash.
5 Sterne | 3.186 |
4 Sterne | 370 |
3 Sterne | 134 |
2 Sterne | 69 |
1 Stern | 273 |
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