Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App DashClock Widget kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
Appname: | DashClock Widget | ||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | Variiert je nach Gerät | Appversion: | 1.4.3 | ||
Kategorie: | Personalisierung | Größe: | 459k |
• Your current local weather
• Missed calls and unread text messages
• Your next calendar appointment
• Unread Gmail inbox or priority inbox conversations
• Your next scheduled alarm
To add the widget to your Android 4.2 device's lock screen, simply swipe to the left-most page of your lock screen and touch the "+" icon. Then, select "DashClock" to customize and add the widget. You can make this the primary lock screen widget, replacing the default clock, by first touching-and-holding it and then dragging it horizontally to the very rightmost position.
Developers: DashClock is extensible! Visit the open source project at to learn more or just check out the source.
Have a bug report or feature request? Just find the issue or file a new one here:
Neue Funktionen
Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:
Version 1.4.3• NEW! Translations for Greek, Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese
• Calendar extension now shows the current appointment if it started in the past 5 minutes
• Fixed a few issues related to all-day events
• Fixed a couple crashes
Version 1.4.2
• NEW! Analog clock options in appearance configuration
• Fixed an issue where the home screen widget wouldn't update
• Improved weather updates
Full changelog:
5 Sterne | 6.698 |
4 Sterne | 884 |
3 Sterne | 137 |
2 Sterne | 39 |
1 Stern | 53 |
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