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Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013
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Gravity Screen Off Pro apk download 1.46 free full Android cracked


Gravity Screen Off Pro apk download 1.46 full free kostenlos Android cracked

Gravity Screen Off Pro

Download  Gravity Screen Off Pro apk heute gratis.
Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Gravity Screen Off Pro kostenlos.

Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.

Die Apk Datei zum Download  und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel. 

Appname: Gravity Screen Off Pro
2.2 oder höher Appversion: 1.46
Kategorie: Tools Größe: 222k


Using your phone often? Tired of the On-Off switching?
This app turns automatically your screen OFF when you put your phone into your pocket or onto a table and turn the screen ON when you take it out or up. No need to touch any button and you are ready to go. 


It monitors the orientation of the device through the gravity sensor. When your phone is pointing downward by its top, in a certain angle, it's likely to be out of use. In this situation the proximity sensor is activated to determine if it is covered. If yes, the screen turns off because probably you placed the phone into your pocket or onto a table.
To keep the battery usage low the program turns on the proximity sensor only when it's really necessary. Moreover, when it turns off your screen and the proximity sensor is covered it puts your phone into deep sleep state to save as much energy as possible.


- Pocket Sensor: Recognizes if your phone is in your pocket. By turning your phone below the angle you set, it'll prepare to turn the screen off.

- Table Sensor: Detects your phone is lying on a table and turns the screen off.

- Turn Screen Off by Proximity: If the device is pointing downward it takes the proximity sensor into account.. By turning this off the program will rely only on the gravity sensor.

- Turn Screen On by Proximity: Turns the screen On when you take your phone out from your pocket and Off when you put it back. By swiping your finger over the proximity sensor the phone can be woken up as well.

- Turn Screen On by Motion: If the screen is off and it's facing up the device can be woken up by any movements (ex. lift up by hand) according to the sensitivity set.

- Keep Screen On by Motion: It's a Screeble like feature but it's relying on the small movements you are doing by your hand while holding the phone. If small motions are detected while the screen is facing up the feature keeps the screen on because it can be suspected that the phone is held and probably you are reading something long. If the phone is steady the timeout will work as normal in any position you leave your device.


It should be not significant. I experienced about 6 per cent extra consumption on the test device. However it can be much higher by often using the Turn Screen On by Motion feature.


On some devices the alarm clock is switched off by the app after it had gone off! Please check if it's the case for you. If, yes, use a third party app, for example:


- The app was not widely tested. Hopefully it will work fine for you. But, if you experience any issue or just have a question, please email me.


Q: The screen not always turns off when I put my phone into my pocket, why?
A:The proximity sensor not always accurate. It can fail recognizing some materials specially if they are very close to it. If it happen occasionally, probably it's still worth to use the sensor. If it happens to you too often, you can turn off the Turn Screen On by Proximity feature. By doing this the screen will still turn back on but it'll use from now the Turn Screen On by Motion feature which cost little bit more energy.

Q: I'm experiencing high battery usage, why?
A: The app should use about 5 percent extra energy per day if you are not using too much the Turn Screen On by Motion feature, for example keeping your phone face down when it's on a table. Moreover, please, keep in mind that the android en-built battery consumption measurement can show much higher results if it's based on a short period of time.

Q: The Turn Screen On by Motion feature does not work for me, why?
A: It's likely that your device is stopping the acceleration sensor when the screen goes off and we can do nothing about it unfortunatelly. More info:

More FAQs :


Neue Funktionen

Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:

- - - v1.46 - - -
- The notification icon can be hidden without making less persistent the app by reducing its priority. It works only on Jelly Bean.
- The icon can be removed now any the time on Jelly Bean.
If the app starts working weirdly after this update, please uninstall, re-install the app and restart your phone.


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Gravity Screen Off Pro apk download 1.46 full free kostenlos Android cracked

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