Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App JellyBean Multi Launcher Theme kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
Appname: | JellyBean Multi Launcher Theme | ||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | 1.6 oder höher | Appversion: | 2.3 | ||
Kategorie: | Personalisierung | Größe: | 44 Mb |
Theme especially designed to give you the look of most faithful and latest version of Jelly Bean Android 4.2 to your phone or tablet, and with extra high quality graphics using 1500 128x128 high definition sized icons and HD wallapers to give very detailed and defined graphics no matter your device's resolution.
You need either GO LAUNCHER, APEX LAUNCHER, ADW LAUNCHER, NOVA LAUNCHER, OR HOLO LAUNCHER EX INSTALLED to use this elegant theme. Download them free from Google Play.
For video tutorials on installation and configuration of the theme visit my site:
This Jelly Bean 4.2 HD GO Launcher theme is compatible will all phone screen resolutions, and all android versions from 2.0 up. Even 4.x.x JellyBean devices.
Characteristics of this Jelly Bean Android 4.1 HD GO Launcher Theme:
** HD Graphics! All the artwork has been done in the highest resolution, with the original Jelly Bean 4.2 icons from the latest Nexus4 smartphone and over 1500 common app icons done all in large 128x128 HD resolution from scratch, instead of the normal 72x72 standard icons commonly used in the themes. Most autoreplaceable. The wallpapers are also in higher than original HD resolution.
This is specially important in the higher screen resolution phones or tablets, or if you like to use the "large icons" setting in some launchers. Makes your screen look very sharp and detailed.
** Special care has been taken to be the most faithful GO Launcher Theme reproduction of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean's launcher. From the custom Jelly Bean icons and wallpapers to the details like exact matching color codes used, menu icons, the folder interface, the indicators, the appdrawer, etc.
** Includes the additional new 5 Jelly Bean 4.2 wallpapers in HD resolution.
** Includes Nexus 4 original Clock Widget.
** This theme is being regularly updated should new official wallpapers or artwork be released for Android Jelly Bean.
** This theme asks of no unsafe permissions to install. No adds. No adware.
IMPORTANT! The NEXUS 4 CLOCK WIDGET is included in the theme, you can select it from the wigdet list of any of the launchers.
You may have to resize the widget to center on the screen depending on your phone's resolution.
IMPORTANT! This theme has close to 1500 icons, but in some devices some icons may not change automatically to the theme's icons. If an icon has not been replaced to the HD version of this theme, check to see if its included in the theme and change it manually.
Visit my web page for videotutorials on how to:
**** Apply Jelly Bean's Roboto font to GO Launcher
-> Preferences -> Visual settings -> Fonts -> Scan Fonts -> Select font -> select "Roboto-normal"
* If Roboto font is not present in phone then simply download and copy to GO Launcher font folder first:
-> Download fonts from
-> Extract and Copy font .ttf files to /sdcard/GOLauncherEX/fonts folder
(* this will not change your system's font or cause any conflicts, it will only change your launcher's font.)
**** To take advantage of the over 600 large 128x128 icons included in this theme, you can display the icons in large size on your screen:
-> Preferences -> Visual settings -> Icons -> Icon size -> Large size
**** Auto hide screen page indicators:
-> Preferences -> Visual settings -> Indicator -> Screen indicator -> Auto-hide indicator
Follow us on:
Twitter-> @RennlabDesign
Neue Funktionen
Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:
v2.3 - Corrected some icons and added new Hangouts icon in 128x128v2.0 - Improved the existing 600 themed icons and inlcuded a whopping 900 more! for a total of 1500 icons.
- Icons are now arranged alphabetically in the icon pack so that they are easier to find when selected manually from the 1500 included icons.
5 Sterne | 3 |
4 Sterne | 0 |
3 Sterne | 0 |
2 Sterne | 0 |
1 Stern | 0 |
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