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Montag, 6. Mai 2013
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Missed It! apk download 4.0 free full Android cracked


Missed It! apk download 4.0 full free kostenlos Android cracked

Missed It!

Download  Missed It! apk heute gratis.
Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Missed It! kostenlos.

Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.

Die Apk Datei zum Download  und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel. 

Appname: Missed It!
2.2 oder höher Appversion: 4.0
Kategorie: Personalisierung Größe: 1,8 Mb


Get information about the number of missed calls, unread SMS, unread e-mail messages and notifications from virtually any application a glance with this simple yet very customizable widget.

On Jelly Bean 4.2, Missed It! widgets can be placed on the system lockscreen. For previous versions of Android, you will need any lockscreen replacement application.

Missed It! must be enabled as an Accessibility Service to be able to receive application notifications ('Settings » Accessibility » Accessibility services'). If enabled and application notifications not detected, try disabling and then re-enabling.


* Reports number of missed calls, unread SMS and pending voicemails.

* If you use Gmail or K-9 Mail, you can obtain the number of unread messages of each account individually. In the case of Gmail, you can also select which label to monitor.

* Also reports notifications from any application that uses the notification bar to report events (including WhatsApp, Tweetdeck, e-mail clients, etc).

* Customization of font and background color and transparency. Also font faces (can use fonts stored in external SD card) and styles (bold, italic, underline).

* Customization of the layout (alignments, padding, etc).

* Text messages can be customized to show whatever phrase you want.

* Represent numbers as text.

* Resizable widget on ICS. With previous Android versions, there are multiple widget sizes available (user can select which sizes appears in widget list).

* Compatible with WidgetLocker and Nova Launcher Prime Unread Counts feature. Both of these applications can use Missed It! as a provider for unread counters.

Some Samsung users are reporting their device starts talking all actions after enabling Accessibility. This bug is not directly related with Missed It!, please take a look at


READ_PHONE_STATE, to get the voicemail state.
CALL_PHONE, to directly call to voicemail if there is any pending message.

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4 Sterne  201
3 Sterne  107
2 Sterne  73
1 Stern  116
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Missed It! apk download 4.0 full free kostenlos Android cracked

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