Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Monster Zombie2 Premium kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
Appname: | Monster Zombie2 Premium | ||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | 2.2 oder höher | Appversion: | 1.0 | ||
Kategorie: | Arcade & Action | Größe: | 33 Mb |
Survive face-to-face confrontation with zombies.
The player will have better control with more flexible motion using high-quality animation techniques.
Become the best undead hunter!
Five different stages:
-Forest, Downtown, Uptown, Cemetery, Military Base
-Each stage has 25 different and challenging levels
Different zombies and weapons
-47 types of zombies
-34 types of weapons, 3 types of armors, 2 types of trinkets
Upgrade 8 different Stats
-Move Speed
-Attack Speed
Endless Mode
-Enjoy killing zombies without interruption
-Change your weapons, armors or trinkets during playing game
Level Up
-Increase your ability using armors, trinkets etc.
★★★ HOW TO PLAY ★★★
- Kill the zombies around and take them out one by one before they even begin to bare their teeth at you.
- Upgrade your weapons, armors and trinkets to kill more zombies.
- Use different attacks according to the types of zombies.
5 Sterne | 9 |
4 Sterne | 0 |
3 Sterne | 0 |
2 Sterne | 0 |
1 Stern | 0 |
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