Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Space Flight Simulator kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
Appname: | Space Flight Simulator | ||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | 2.2 oder höher | Appversion: | 2.0.1 | ||
Kategorie: | Lernen | Größe: | 14 Mb |
Realistic 3D space travel simulator and planetarium.
In this app you will find:
- All major planets and moons in the Solar System, with their accurate keplerian orbits:
* Sun
* Mercury
* Venus
* Earth and Moon
* Mars and its moons Phobos and Deimos
* Jupiter and its major moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto
* Saturn and its major moons: Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion and Iapetus
* Uranus and its major moons: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon
* Neptune and Triton
- NEW! Added dwarf planets and its major moons:
* Ceres
* Pluto and its moons:Charon, Nix and Hydra
* Haumea and its moons: Namaka and Hi'iaka
* Makemake
* Eris and its moon Dysnomia
- NEW! Real space photographs for all celestial bodies in the Solar System
- All known extrasolar systems with exoplanets within 40 light years:
* Alpha Centauri
* Epsilon Eridani
* Tau Ceti
* Pollux
* 55 Cancri
* 54 Piscium
* 61 Virginis
* HIP 57050
* HD 20794, HD 85512, HD 102365
* Gliese 86, Gliese 176, Gliese 179, Gliese 433, Gliese 436, Gliese 581, Gliese 649, Gliese 667, Gliese 674, Gliese 785, Gliese 832, Gliese 849, Gliese 876
- Timeslider to accelerate/decelerate time. You'll also be able to run time backwards
- Realistic interplanetary orbits from any planet to any other planet and moon
- Realistic calculation of fuel requirements using Tsiolkovsky Rocket equation
- Interstellar travel!
- Relativistic effects of time dilation, length contraction and relativistic doppler shift during interstellar flights
- NEW! Free flight mode: command your spaceship with unlimited fuel and experience effects of gravity on your trajectories.
Please contact me if you have any complain or suggestion.
NOTE: In this version you can travel from any planet to any other planet and moon (including extrasolar planets), however you have to keep in mind that interplanetary trajectories require a specific alignment of the planets, so after pressing the "Launch" button the spaceship won't launch immediately. You can see the countdown to launch at the upper right of the screen.
Neue Funktionen
Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:
v2.0.1Reduced memory usage
Added free flight mode
Changed shape of Hyperion
Added planet information screen
Added star animation
Added Hyperion, Hydra and Nix
Added 7 new stars
Fixed some bugs
Adjusted interstellar travel transitions
Added dwarf planets
Added new star: Tau Ceti
Additional information about planets and moons
Fixed some bugs
Added 2 new stars
Reduced memory usage
5 Sterne | 14 |
4 Sterne | 5 |
3 Sterne | 1 |
2 Sterne | 0 |
1 Stern | 0 |
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