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Freitag, 14. Juni 2013
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Jota+★PRO-KEY apk download 1.0 free full Android cracked


Jota+★PRO-KEY apk download 1.0 full free kostenlos Android cracked


Download  Jota+★PRO-KEY apk heute gratis.
Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Jota+★PRO-KEY kostenlos.

Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.

Die Apk Datei zum Download  und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel. 

Appname: Jota+★PRO-KEY
2.2 oder höher Appversion: 1.0
Kategorie: Tools Größe: 36k


This app is a PRO-KEY of Jota+ (Text Editor).

★Jota+ PRO-KEY enables the following features:
- opening files at same time without limit
- external file systems and root access
- customizing background images
- backup/restore preferences

★If you donated for Jota Text Editor, don't buy this app. Jota Text Editor can activates Jota+.

▼If you can't activate PRO-KEY, try following.
Make sure that your device is connected to internet and logged in to Google.
Confirm PRO-KEY is installed from System Settings.
Click Menu - Preference - Activate PRO-KEY.
reboot device and start Jota+.
uninstall and re-install Jota+ or PRO-KEY.

- If you're donor of Jota Text Editor, install original Jota
and click Menu - preference - MISC - Activate Jota+ option.

- If you have troubled with Activation, please mail to Developer.

(c) 2012, Aquamarine Netorks.


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Jota+★PRO-KEY apk download 1.0 full free kostenlos Android cracked

Jota+★PRO-KEY 97%1305 votes.
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