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Montag, 22. Juli 2013
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Emit apk download 8.0.5 free full Android cracked

Emit apk download 8.0.5 full free kostenlos Android cracked

Download  Emit apk heute gratis.
Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App Emit kostenlos.

Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.

Die Apk Datei zum Download  und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel. 

Appname: Emit
2.1 oder höher Appversion: 8.0.5
Kategorie: Medien & Videos Größe: 925k


Emit allows you to stream videos from PC/Mac(10.6+)/Linux directly to an android device from your local wifi, 3g or external wifi.

- Live encoding and streaming directly to your device. No need to wait for your video to encode entirely.
- Accessible from 3g or external wifi
- HTTP Live streaming for 2.3+ devices
- .srt subtitles
- mkv subtitles
- Switching between audio tracks in movie
- Recognizes DVD folders and displays by title
- Pre encoding videos and download them to the device for offline viewing.
- Download music from iTunes. Songs will be saved to: SD_Card/Emit/Music/Artist/Album/Song.mp3

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If you have any problems, please contacts us at:

PLEASE NOTE: Some antivirus/internet security programs can wrongly detect server application as a security threat. Please add Emit desktop as a trusted application in such programs. This behavior was reported in some versions of Kaspersky Internet Security and BitDefender.

Keywords: itunes, air video, mp3 sync, video sync, plex, vlc direct, video streaming, emit, live encoding


Neue Funktionen

- audio seeking bugfix


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Emit apk download 8.0.5 full free kostenlos Android cracked

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