Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App NinJump mod kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
Appname: | NinJump mod | ||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | Variiert je nach Gerät | Appversion: | |||
Kategorie: | Arcade & Action | Größe: | Variiert je nach Gerät |
"You really need to give Ninjump a try" -Touch Arcade
"Check out Ninjump, it's extremely fun" -148 Apps
"This is fast becoming one of my favorites" -The App Era
Rise to the top and become a ninja master in NINJUMP, the latest FREE game from Backflip Studios, makers of PAPER TOSS!
In this fast paced ninja climbing game, your goal is to rise as high as you can while avoiding killer squirrels, angry birds, enemy ninjas, throwing stars and exploding bombs. With a simple tap you can jump from one wall to the other, knocking obstacles from the air as you do. Take down three enemies of the same kind to trigger mega-jump bonuses. Collect shields to plow through your opponents with. Just watch out for ledges and other ninjas because they will knock you off and send you to your doom!
You will be amazed by the gorgeous graphics, rich gameplay, immersive music and the insanely addictive quality of this game.
Features include:
-Simple single-tap gameplay
-Killer squirrels
-More ninjas
-Beautiful graphics
-Awesome bonuses
-Original sound and music
-Papaya Leaderboards
-Challenge a friend via email
-Post scores on Facebook or Twitter
At Backflip Studios making fun games is priority one! We have seen over 34,000,000 downloads across our library of games and greatly value your support and feedback.
Try PAPER TOSS our other hit FREE game!
Follow us on twitter: @backflipstudios
Thanks for playing!
MOD: null
Neue Funktionen
Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:
Bug fixes and optimizations.Bewertung
5 Sterne | 116.826 |
4 Sterne | 26.309 |
3 Sterne | 10.187 |
2 Sterne | 2.955 |
1 Stern | 6.468 |
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