Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App City Cars Racer kostenlos.
Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.
Die Apk Datei zum Download und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel.
Appname: | City Cars Racer | ||||
Erforderliche Android-Version: | Appversion: | 1.1.11 | |||
Kategorie: | Rennsport | Größe: | 50 Mb |
Drive city cars on different types of tracks.
You can drive on rally, desert, circuit off-road and more.
Pay attention how you drive your cars because you may heavily damage them.
You can drive on rally, desert, circuit off-road and more.
Pay attention how you drive your cars because you may heavily damage them.
Neue Funktionen
- The name of the track includes the type of road.
- Smoke on skids (minimum "Good" Quality settings).
- Dust on off-road terrain (minimum "Good" Quality settings).
- New game icon.
- New city car.
- "Back to race" button included.
- GUI elements retain quality even with low graphic settings.
- GUI elements more visible.
- When you return to main menu your last car and track are selected.
- Physics differences between road and off-road surface.
- Each car has realistic drive type.
City Cars Racer 1092 votes.
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